May 20, Sunday School “Show what you Learned”

This Sunday we will have the 2nd annual “Show What You Learned” Sunday School event.  All children are welcome.  If you didn’t make it to the classes, but you would like to try your knowledge of the Old Testament Prophets, you can still come and join in.

As last year, there will be games that challenge the children’s memory of what was learned.  Points are earned based on correct answers.  And awards are given to those with the most points.  Everyone will be given a participation award.

Afterwards, we will have a feast of pizza, fruits, cake and ice cream.

Parents, come see how much your children learned this year,  and share their excitement about learning!


Update, May 20: Here are photos from today’s celebration.  Congratulations to all the children who participated.  They did a great job.  Thank you parents for making preparations for the feast, especially Anna Spikes for making the beautiful cake of Jonah and the whale.

2018 Show What You Learned





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